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MPM Properties Announce Updated Contractor Fees

Abu Dhabi, UAE, 03 May 2021:

MPM Properties is pleased to announce the long-awaited new FM fees structure. This had been a long journey for FM department along the contractors and a lot had been learnt in perusal to achieve simplicity and fees predictability. It is MPM Properties belief that the new fees structure is simpler, predictable, and more flexible. All of this was in support and response to the continuous requests from registered contractors to revise the fees structure.


The new fees structure introduces simplicity and clarity which a lot of contractors were eagerly waiting for, moreover, MPM would like to announce the removal of the following fees:

  • Vendor registration fees.
  • Tender participation fees.
  • Tender Awarding fees (AMC New and renewal).
  • Quality inspection fees.

The new simpler fees structure will be as follows base on total order value:

AMC/Order Value

​Fee Value

​AED 30,000 & more

​5% of Invoice value

​AED 10,000 to 30,000

​7% of Invoice value

​AED 10,000 and less

​9% of Invoice value


The starting date for implementing the new fees structure is on 03/06/2021.

Kindly note that following:

  • The New fees will only be applicable to invoices for any transactions (PO or AMC) created (work commenced) on or after the date above.
  • Old fees calculation will remain applicable for old transactions (created/commenced before above date).
  • Any outstanding (not yet paid) registration fees will be calculated on a pro rata basis up to the above date.
  • The new structure does not waive any pending fees from the old structure, if any.
  • Payment of the new fees can be done via bank transfer (as per MPM Accounting process) or cash payment, evidence of fee payment must be attached to your invoice prior to submission.

MPM Properties is hoping that this will allow clearer and more predictable environment for its contractors to thrive and provide their best performance and quality service.

Should you require any further clarification or information in regards to the implementation of the new Fees structure , please don’t hesitate to email us on:
