Research and Strategic Advisory
Our strategic development advice goes hand in hand with our research capability and the primary market data we generate through our day to day involvement in managing a portfolio of over 22,000 units across the UAE.
Provide well researched real estate advice based on our day to day involvement in the market and access to primary transactions. Key questions we will answer include:-
- How will the proposed development be positioned in the market?
- What is the main competition (current and in the development pipeline) and what are current and projected values?
- What are the potential demand drivers for the completed development?
- What is the likely profile of potential buyers and tenants and what are their key requirements?
- Having regard to the Plot and GFA areas what is the optimum mix of units, unitsizes and layouts?
- What rental or sales revenue will the development achieve?
- Is the proposed development financially feasible?
- What is the most appropriate sales strategy to maximise financial returns?
- What is the optimum timing for selling and what are the risks?